Be Informed, But Don’t Get Overwhelmed
I often see patients who have been given conflicting advice by previous doctors.
- One might have said they need a round implant, while another recommended a teardrop
- One might have suggested a breast lift with implants while another said implants alone would be fine
- One might say that you should have your tummy tuck first and then your breast reduction, while another says you can do it all in one go
- One says the implants should go below the muscle and another says they can go above
- One says that you need liposuction of your upper abdomen at the time of your tummy tuck while another won’t do this
Who are you to believe?
They can’t all be right, can they?
You can understand why it can be confusing and in my Facebook Live Q&A every Tuesday, I often have patients who are beside themselves and don’t know what to do.
As a surgeon, I can see why they are getting conflicting advice
…and as a human, I can see why this can appear to be contradictory.
I think it is good to get different opinions from surgeons, but sometimes, the more opinions that you get, the less clear it can become!
The fact is that, in many cases, they are all right.
You see, there are pros and cons of most of these decisions.
Putting implants under the muscle will make it less likely that you will get rippling
…but it is more likely for the implants to sit high or wide and the possibility of animation deformity.
Combining a tummy tuck with a breast reduction will get it all done in one go with one recovery
…but it is a big operation and it will knock you back.
There is no right answer.
It is about being aware of the pros and cons so that you can make an informed decision about what is right for you.
Teardrop implants might be right for one person, but round implants might be ideal for another.
I think that some surgeons will portray the situation as black and white.
These are the best implants
It is better to have the implants under the muscle
But the truth is that if there was one best way of doing something or one type of implant that was the best, we would all do it that way or use that implant.
…but we don’t
We all have our own opinions and experiences that lead to our judgements about what might be best for you.
I always say that the most important decision for you to make is to choose your surgeon.
Do your research about the surgeon and the clinic or facility that you are going to be treated in.
This is much more important than going in to minute detail about nanotextured implants or different types of liposuction.
There are often many different ways to get a good result.
One surgeon might use VASER liposuction while another uses power-assisted liposuction.
The results might be exactly the same.
…or more importantly, the results will be better in the hands of the better surgeon.
It is more about the skill of the surgeon than the technique used.
You can spend months researching the ideal shape, profile and model of breast implant, but if the pocket is
- too small,
- or too big,
- or too high,
- or too wide,
You will get a poor result.
Some of my patients will go backwards and forwards with an implant choice, giving themselves sleepless nights convinced that their decision will be the difference between a good and a bad result.
…when in reality, their decision will have very little effect on the outcome.
The difference between the implants they are trying to choose from is often millimetres and I could use either and they would not notice.
However, if I am not careful to place the implants properly.
- …to ensure that their nipple is placed in the centre of their breast
- …that their cleavage area is maximised and not too wide apart
- …to be meticulous in creating a pocket for the implant that allows it sit naturally on their frame so that they do not look out of place
They will be unhappy, regardless of the implant they have chosen.
So beware of anyone who tells you that they know the ‘best’ way to do it (especially if they are not actually the person who is going to be doing it).
…and spend you time researching your surgeon rather than the procedure.
Of course you need to educate yourself about what you are having done.
…but you don’t need to know the minutiae about the difference between a dual plane type I and a dual plane III submuscular placement of breast implants.
Good luck and if you want to know more, get in touch or jump on to one of my LIVE Q&A’s on Facebook every Tuesday night at 7pm.
Hope to see you there!
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Jonathan is on a one man crusade to revolutionise the image of cosmetic surgery and is passionate about spreading his message about cosmetic surgery training.