Entries by admin@staiano

Tummy Tuck or Liposuction?

If you are thinking of a tummy tuck or liposuction, it might seem that they are poles apart in terms of downtime, scarring and price.  It is very common for people to come to the clinic requesting liposuction to their tummy, because let’s face it, most of us carry a little bit of extra fat […]

Treatment for Breast Asymmetry

Treatment for breast asymmetry   All patients have a degree of breast asymmetry to a greater or lesser extent and when performing a breast reduction or a breast augmentation it is often possible to correct minor degrees of asymmetry, but we always warn people that there will be some residual asymmetries as it is quite […]

How To Reduce Enlarged Earring Holes

How to reduce enlarged earring holes There is very much a fashion for gauging (stretching) or tribal piercing, which involves having your ear pierced and then having the hole gradually increased in diameter so that you can put bigger and bigger earrings in. The problem with the fashion is that as you increase the diameter […]

When Does A Puffy Nipple Become Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is common. Sometimes we get asked by journalists about gynecomastia and whether cosmetic surgery for men is on the increase. We specialise in cosmetic breast surgery and the majority of our male patients are gynecomastia patients. I have to say I have not noticed any significant rise in this surgery as it has always […]

What Is The Minimum Age For Cosmetic Surgery?

How Young Is Too Young To Have Cosmetic Surgery? We often get enquiries at the clinic asking what age patients can have cosmetic surgery. There is a simple answer to that and a more complicated answer. The simple answer is that we only treat patients who are over 18 due to the strict guidelines and […]

Scar Revision

Scar Revision At The STAIANO Clinic You may think that scar revision is bread and butter for a plastic surgeon, but it is important to be aware of what is possible when it comes to considering revision of your scar. It is not possible to remove scars completely, but plastic surgeons are trained in techniques […]

Why We Charge For Your Initial Consultation

Do You Expect To Pay For A Consultation With A Surgeon? There is always a debate as to whether to charge for consultations or offer them for free. In fact I did a blog post a few years ago discussing the topic. Traditionally a consultation with a doctor would carry with it a fee as […]

And The Winner Is…

We are delighted to tell you that Staiano Plastic Surgery have been awarded; Ones to Watch for 2018: Best for Cosmetic Surgery & Aesthetic Treatments – Most Trusted Plastic Surgery Clinic – Birmingham. LUX launched the Ones to Watch for 2018: Best for Cosmetic Surgery & Aesthetic Treatments to give recognition to those who have […]

Breast Implants & Pregnancy

Have you had breast implants and have now become pregnant? Or are you thinking about getting breast implants and worried what the effect of pregnancy might have? Then you are in the right place! Our consultant plastic surgeon Jonathan Staiano has done a vlog to discuss the impact of pregnancy on breast implants. It is […]