Entries by admin@staiano

Post-operative compression garments

After body contouring surgery such as breast re-shaping, a tummy tuck, gynaecomastia correction and liposuction, we utilise post-operative compression garments to give support and help with swelling. The reason for the garment is to aid your recovery and to make you feel more comfortable. There is often swelling following body contouring and when the tissues swell it […]

Cost of Mole Removal

It is a very common question for us to get from prospective patients ‘what is the cost of mole removal?‘. I think if I was having a mole removed this is a question that I would ask and this is often the only question paying patients ask. I think this is because it is hard […]

Psychological assessment prior to cosmetic procedures

It is in the news again about the need to protect patients from unscrupulous practitioners who may prey on the vulnerable and perform unnecessary cosmetic procedures on patients who may have an underlying psychological or mental health problem. The concept of this is welcomed by our specialty and has always been welcome, but it is […]

Does Fat Freezing work?

I’ve been looking at the non-surgical liposculpture market for about 5 years now and I have really been trying to answer the question ‘Does Fat freezing work?’. The concept is great. It is a way to remove fat without having surgery (or dieting). I’ve spoken to the companies and studied the technologies. The science behind […]

Liposuction for Man Boobs

Liposuction for man boobs (or gynaecomastia, which is the medical term) is the mainstay of treatment. However, it is often not enough to perform liposuction on its own. Man Boobs are caused by an excess of breast tissue in a male, and males have breast tissue as well as females. Breast tissue is made up […]

Special Announcement re: Breast Implants

You may have heard news about a recent decision by the French authorities to withdraw certain types of breast implants from the market. The implants affected are textured silicone and polyurethane foam implants. The decision has been made because of a link between this type of implant and a rare form of cancer called ALCL. Because the […]

Who makes the best breast implants?

The Best Breast Implant? Patients do a huge amount of research about the best breast implant.  It is good to be informed before having breast augmentation and in this day and age with the internet and information that is freely available, it is reasonable to come to the clinic armed with ideas and expectations of which […]

Sam Smith inspiring body confidence

Photo from https://www.instagram.com/samsmith/ I love seeing posts like the one Sam Smith recently posted on Instagram showing him standing topless on a beach. The standard Instagram photo of a man topless on a beach show him with a chiselled six-pack and rock-hard pecs, but this simply is not what normal male chests look like. Sam Smith […]

Different Types Of Skin Cancer

Cancer is a very emotive word and when people hear the diagnosis of cancer they understandably will conjure images of prolonged unpleasant treatment and poor prognosis. However, when it comes to skin cancer, it can cover a range of different types of cancer from the relatively mild form which can be cured by minor surgery, […]

What is Life-Changing Surgery?

I was invited to a talk on the radio this morning about scar management following a story of a football supporter who had been attacked and had sustained a long laceration to his cheek. The conversation revolved around the scarring and the emotional impact of scars and what can be done about it. I am […]