Entries by admin@staiano

Twilight Anaesthesia – A Change For Good?

The Coronavirus Crisis is likely to have a long lasting effect on many aspects of our lives – both good and bad. Remote working has taught us that we perhaps don’t need to use our car as much and there can be benefits in reducing commuting and carbon emissions. Regular hand washing and hygiene can […]

Is it safe to have surgery during Coronavirus?

Surgery During Coronavirus Crisis If you are planning to have surgery, you may have some concerns about all of the measures in place around COVID-19 and might be wondering if it is safe to have surgery during coronavirus. The risks of contracting the virus relate to the spread in an aerosol form hence the requirement […]

Smooth Breast Implants

There has been a resurgence recently in the use of smooth breast implants for breast enlargement. Breast implants were invented in 1961 and the first manifestation of them had a smooth shell. This was not adherent when placed inside the breast and had a tendency to move and for visible rippling. In 1968 polyurethane foam implants were […]

Mini tummy tuck with muscle repair

Can I have a Mini-Tummy Tuck with Muscle Repair? A mini tummy tuck or mini abdominoplasty is often preferable to a full abdominoplasty as the procedure results in less visible scarring and a much quicker recovery time. The difficulty comes when patients who are good candidates for a mini abdominoplasty are suffering from recti divarication, […]

Reality TV is not reality

I have never been a fan of reality TV. At least not in recent years. I remember really enjoying the early episodes of Big Brother, that bit where Craig confronted Nasty Nick and I loved to watch The Apprentice the one with Stuart Baggs ‘the brand’. But it’s not the same any more. I heard Ben […]

The Barbed Suture

What is a barbed suture? A barbed suture is a suture which has very fine barbs all the way along its length.  This means that when you pass it through the tissues, the barbs catch and it will not pull back. So that if you use it on either side of a wound and pull […]

Be Informed, But Don’t Get Overwhelmed

I often see patients who have been given conflicting advice by previous doctors. One might have said they need a round implant, while another recommended a teardrop One might have suggested a breast lift with implants while another said implants alone would be fine One might say that you should have your tummy tuck first […]

Brazilian Tummy Tuck

Brazilian Tummy Tuck vs Standard Tummy Tuck I have just been asked to talk about the Brazilian tummy tuck. There are often catchy names and new techniques that come out and I can see how someone considering a tummy tuck might want to know about the latest developments. However, when you look in to it, […]

Why Would Anyone Have Breast Implants?

Why Would Anyone Ever Want To Have Breast Implants? I keep seeing adverse publicity about breast implants in the media. Whether it be breast implant illness, ALCL or a celebrity with out of proportion breast implants or with visible rippling or strange looking breasts. The media seems to love to focus on the negative aspects of […]