Entries by admin@staiano

The risks of cosmetic surgery

Every day I hear patients talk about the risks of having cosmetic surgery. They are worried that they won’t wake up from the anaesthetic and will leave their children motherless. They tell me stories they have heard about someone who once died having a cosmetic procedure. I sense that there is often a feeling of […]

Removing a mole without leaving a scar

I am often asked about removing a mole without leaving a scar. There is a lot written on the Internet about this and YouTube seems to be full of videos of people demonstrating home remedies that can ‘quickly and easily remove your mole leaving no visible scarring‘. The reality is that it is not possible […]

How to treat Breast Asymmetry

We specialise in breast reshaping here at the STAIANO Clinic and can perform breast lifts, breast reductions, breast implants and breast lift with implants. There are many cosmetic clinics which offer breast implants but not all will treat patients with more complicated problems. Patients with breast asymmetry will often present for surgery. The first question […]

Removing a Beauty Spot

If you have a beauty spot and you would like to have it removed then we offer a ‘see & treat’ service where you can have a consultation with one of our plastic surgeons and go straight ahead and have the beauty spot removed there and then on the same day as the consultation. A […]

Lipoma Removal

Lipoma removal is one of the procedures we perform at the STAIANO Clinic on a ‘see & treat’ basis. Lipomas (or lipomata) are fatty lumps underneath the skin and they can occur anywhere in the body. The overlying skin looks normal but you can usually feel a bump and sometimes see a bump caused by […]

5 ways to treat keloid scars

Keloid scars are an abnormal form of scarring that occur in some individuals. They are more common in certain skin types such as Afro-Caribbean skin and they are also more common in certain areas such as the earlobes, the shoulders or over the breast bone. They are raised lumpy scars which are often itchy and […]

Lockdown 2.0

So, we are in lockdown again. We are much better prepared this time and over the last few months, we have put measures in place to ensure the safety and protection of everyone at the clinic and we have robust measures which are over and above what you might expect in other public environments. because we offer […]