Entries by admin@staiano

Should I be allowed sick leave if I am having cosmetic surgery?

In my job I am constantly having to battle against prejudices and preconceived ideas about cosmetic surgery. Unfortunately, we have it woven into the fabric of our society that cosmetic surgery is all about vanity and creating unnatural caricatures of previously beautiful people. This has led to the perception that all cosmetic surgery is unnecessary […]

Loose Women in their Underwear!

Did you see the photograph of the presenters of Loose Women in their underwear? This is what real people look like. Everybody looks like this. We all feel comfortable in our clothes and can dress up to make ourselves look more attractive and often quite stunning, but underneath it all we all have dents and […]

Just because they look like a plastic surgeon and they say they are a plastic surgeon, doesn’t mean they are a plastic surgeon!

One of my passions is to raise awareness about cosmetic surgery to try and change perceptions so that it is not portrayed as being a branch of medicine that is somehow less worthy than other branches of medicine. There is an image that all plastic surgeons are unethical, money grabbing cowboys but the reality is […]

If all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail

There are a lot of different surgeons who perform cosmetic surgery. They range from plastic surgeons to general surgeons, ENT surgeons, maxillofacial surgeons and even people who are not surgeons at all such as GPs or dermatologists. This is not a problem in itself as long as the doctor is working within their scope of […]

Second Hand Breast Implants on Ebay!

Did you hear about the lady who was selling her 2nd hand breast implants on Ebay? She said that they didn’t quite fit her, so she got a new pair! I think the story was a bit of a joke. I don’t doubt that someone would actually try to sell their old implants, I mean […]

What to expect from your Consultation

When you arrive at the Staiano Clinic we aim to give you a warm and relaxed welcome so that you can feel at ease during a time that we appreciate can be quite daunting as well as exciting. Our address is 50 Frederick Road, Edgbaston, B15 1HN and we are situated close to the Five […]